These three indicators help popularize the brands and make the advertising discourse coherent and goal-oriented. A means of one-way transmission. 这三种指同方式既是品牌的实现形式和语篇的衔接手段,也体现广告宣传的目的性。单向传输的一种手段。
With long service life, the combined one-way bearing can withstand large radial pressure and can be used on a belt device needing change the direction of transmission. 该组合式单向轴承能承受住大的径向压力,使用寿命长,可应用于需要变换传动方向的皮带装置上。
A means of one-way transmission. 单向传输的一种手段。
The direction of conventional current flow is counterclockwise. A means of one-way transmission. 传统的电流方向是逆时针方向。单向传输的一种手段。
Application of one-way surge tank to prevent long distance water transmission pipeline from column separation 采用单向调压塔防止长输水管道水柱分离的研究
In one-way transmission, QKD is free from Trojan attack. 单程传输避免了木马攻击,增强了方案的安全性。
The paper argues that it is necessary to change the monotonous teaching method, turning the one-way information transmission into multi-way information communication and effectively switching among three links of teaching, learning and practicing in law classroom. 应当改变单一的讲授法,变单向信息传递为多向信息交流,有效地在法律课程教学过程中实现教、学、用3个环节的转换。
Holded the security of that scheme, the safe scheme imports one-way hash function and authentication, protects the datas from man-in-the-middle attack during the transmission course. 在保持原方案安全性的基础上,改进后的比特承诺方案引入了单向Hash变换,通过认证机制确保数据在传输过程中免遭这种中间篡改攻击。
The communication at any level is not a one-way transmission but a dynamic two-way communication. 无论在哪个层面上,这种交流都不是单向的传动,而是一种动的双向交流过程。
The properties of the one-way wave operator and reflection/ transmission operators of seismic inverse scattering are revealed. 文中也揭示了单程波地震逆散射算子、反射透射算子的性态。
An One-Way Key Distributed Mechanism is designed in this paper, namely, session key's generation and ciphertext's transmission are exercised at the same interaction. In addition, the information is compressed with random number before it is encrypted. 本文设计了一种单向密钥分发体制,即密钥的生成和密文的传输是在通信的一次交互活动中同时完成,另外信息加密前将其与一随机数共同压缩。
The prevalent method is to implement the safe floodgate, the safe and effective one-way data transmission method, but the safe cost is too high and the hardware costs too expensive. 流行的做法是实行安全闸,这种方法可以做到安全有效的单向数据传输,但是安全成本太高,硬件价格昂贵。
The traditional model of English teaching has the drawback of "one-way transmission", which is in diametrical opposition to the interactivity and communicability of English teaching. 传统的英语教学模式存在单向传输的弊端,与英语教学的互动性特点和培养交际能力的重点背道而驰。
Secondly, it demonstrates the correlation of one-way packet delay and loss in real-time audio transmission, shows that the packet loss is predictable, and then proposes a novel method to predict packet loss. 第二部分研究了实时语音传输中单向延时(One-waydelay)与数据包丢失之间的关系,证明了丢包是可以预测的。并由此提出一种丢包预测方法。
Application of the one-way clutch in the auto transmission device 单向离合器在自动变速器中的应用
They have stepped up to take this opportunity, the transformation of the two-way radio and television networks, originally only a one-way transmission line into a two-way line. 借着这个时机,广电运营商纷纷加紧进行广电网络的双向化改造,使原来只能进行单向传输的线路变为双向线路。
The emergence of new media, not only change the one-way transmission of traditional advertising, so that information can spread more diversified and at the same time, also put forward higher requirements of visual expression of advertising. 新媒体时代下的新媒体,改变了传统广告的单向传播方式,让信息更加多元化传播的同时,也对广告的视觉表现提出了更高的要求。
This makes a GPS system that overcomes the weaknesses of one-way transmission, expanding the scope of application of GPS. And also provides a good user experience electronic map Web site to enhance its usefulness. 即克服了GPS系统单向传送的弱点,扩展了GPS的应用范围,更提供了用户体验良好的电子地图网站,增强了其实用性。
Supply chain risk can be divided into a one-way transmission, and feedback type transmission of two. 将供应链风险传递分为单向传递和反馈式传递两种。
But there are also problems such as the slow promoting the concept, a one-way transmission of information and organizational development, inadequate promotion of fund management, with an unreasonable extension workers to promote the models and so on. 但是也存在着推广理念落后,推广信息传递具有单向性,推广组织发展缓慢,推广资金管理不完善,推广人员分配不合理,推广模式和方法简单等问题。
However, the present one-way transmission of television broadcasting can not meet the needs of daily life little by little, so the interactive digital television arises at the historic moment, and each kind of family multimedia center plan also appears with the network. 然而一方面,目前单向传输的广播电视,已渐渐不能满足人们日常生活的需要,因而,交互式的数字电视便应运而生,各种家庭多媒体中心的开发方案也伴随着网络时代的前进而产生。
This paper focuses on the design and development of remote video training system, which includes functions of real-time video training and non-real-time video training. In the former one, it has interactive features because of the video one-way transmission and bidirectional transmission of audio. 本文重点研究了远程视频实训系统的设计和开发,该视频实训系统能进行实时视频实训和非实时视频实训,实时实训时,视频单向传输,音频双向传输,具有交互功能。
In recent years, with the rapid development of television technology and multimedia technology, it is hard to cater to individual needs of clients in one-way transmission of traditional television. 近几年来,随着电视技术和多媒体技术的飞速发展,传统电视的单向式频道传输技术难以满足用户个性化的需求。
The new media channels derived from the latter have more content, and faster speed than television; meanwhile, more humanized and personalized. It changes the mode of one-way transmission of traditional television and achieves interaction between source and audience with two-way communication. 后者衍生出的新媒体渠道有着比电视更丰富的内容、更快的速度、并且更加人性化、个性化,它改变了传统电视媒体单向传播的方式,实现了受众与信源之间的双向交流与互动。
It is they who brough about in China the second peak of translation which, compared with the first one characterized by the large-scale translation of Buddhist scriptures, was more than a one-way transmission but an exchange and interaction between two cultures. 较之第一次,这一次的翻译活动已不再是单向的传输,而是上升为两种语境文化的交流互动。
The thesis propound more detailed design about how to control one-way GAP to send and receive data, as well as reliable protection of data transmission, the control system of one-way GAP. 本文针对以光纤为传输介质的单向网闸如何控制数据的发送和接收,以及如何保障数据尽量可靠传输,提出了详细的设计方案,并进行了实现。
Network media has changed one-way linear spread model of traditional media to more emphasis on interactivity of transmission by the two sides. 网络媒体改变了传统媒体单向直线型的传播模式,而更讲求传受双方的互动性。
The subject of the security gateway with separate equipment to achieve production networks and office networks secure connection, use file security gateway transmission mechanisms to achieve real-time data from the production network to the office network of one-way transmission. 本课题采用安全网闸隔离设备,来实现生产网络和办公网络的安全连接,利用网闸文件安全传输机制,来实现实时数据从生产网络到办公网络的单向传输。
One is double-layered structure consisting of periodic grating and uniform plate. The one-way transmission can be realized based on the reconstruction of plane wave source. 第一种是利用周期声栅和纯板构建的双层结构,在这个系统中,声单向效应是通过对平面波源的重建来实现的。
In addition, A-GPS positioning must be achieved through multiple network transmission ( up to six one-way transmission), which occupied the operators, a large number of air resources. 另外,A-GPS的定位实现必须通过多次网络传输(最多可达六次单向传输),这对运营商来说占用了大量空中资源。